
For all men to know their worth

The Diaries of A lost Man Who’s to say that strength comes from with in when they are forces that can break the will and deter a good healthy individual. No one can foretell the future nor can they pin point the outcomes of every decision. I guess its safe to say that we are all fueled by hope and guided by mystery of the paths we take. As most of us have faced that familiar fork in the road that makes us choose which way to head to. We undoubtably never want to take the wrong path but the unfortunate part of life is the “live and learn” method. For some that may help to not repeat the same idiotic mistake but as common men it’s a its longing hope that one day they will bend fate into one’s desires. Its sad to be realistic as time has changed and society has evolved into making our surroundings harder to adapt. How much can one take before we say that’s it and call it quits? How long will a man linger on to finally realize problems no longer comply to remedies for standard norms.